May 25, 2011

Mag Cover: Kim Kardashian reveals she is engaged to People Magazine!

 (Luv the Buzz - Media) Reality TV star Kim Kardashian  revealed to People Magazine that she is indeed engagnged to NBA player Kris Humprhies. The proposal took place one week ago, on May 18, when the 26-year-old Humphries surprised his 30-year-old love in her Beverly Hills home. When she entered her bedroom, she saw Humphries already on bended knee with red rose petals forming what was by then a hopefully obvious question: "Will you marry me?"

"I didn't expect this at all," the bride-to-be told People. "I was in such shock. I never thought it would happen at home, and I never thought now."Another thing she couldn't have expected: the size of that rock. Humphries' question was eased along by the offering of a custom-designed 20.5-carat Lorrain Schwartz diamond engagement ring. Kim's family seemed to be surprised by the news just as we all were. They were tweeting congratulations to the new couple all morning. Guess we'll finally get that Kim Kardashian Wedding Special we've been waiting for.

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